The wind blows through the wastelands of Forbidden Absolution... Nothing out there, just the sand... You see totally nothing... But if you look right, very right, maybe you'll need a spyglass for it, you'll be able to see a small, small world, called "Nothing". In this tiny little world, all the rings of FA are made, the gold ones, the silver ones but also others... This story is about a little man called Yoro. He lived in Nothing and was a blacksmid, he made gold rings for Minus21 and lived there in peace. But at one day, he found a black stone in the wastelands, it smelled rotten... But he because he thought it to be very rare.
After the keyman of Locksford came to him again to get some gold rings, he had some money again and started to think about making a ring out of the black stone. But all the gold he used for it, really, millions and millions he melted to gold bars and he made a ring from it, but when he putted the black stone in it, it turned black and melted rotten. He went to one of his friends, who was a miner, and asked him about it. He didnt reconize it so he took his pickaxe and walked with Yoro deep into the mine to get every ore they could find that Yoro could possibly be able to make a ring from.
In the end they found an ore, purple, no weight, but hard, very hard. So they decided to give it a try and made a ring out of it. It shrinked immediately and smelled rotten. But they couldnt get the black stone out of it. So they simply threw it away because they had already spent far too much gold and energy on it.
And there it lies even now, nobody knows were it is, the ring of death, yes thats what they call them now, if a traveler without a strong enough soal (and no traveler had the right soal so far), that ever saw him, or found the location where it lies, was found death after it, and never woke up... the Ring of Death, if you ever find it, think again before you take it...
History of YOUR clan
Do you want me to make a history about your clan? Just mail to ID 1027 and say what kind of history it has to be, like you've always been the good guys, bad guys, nights, robbers, demons and so on...