A long time ago, the pope told the peoples of Locksford to build a church inside the town of Locksford. But in those days, Locksford was very very poor, with only some wooden buildings, farmers and fishers. So there was no money! They send a man to the pope to ask for money, but because the pope already spent his money on the build of the Devine Courth he couldnt finance the Locksford Church. The man headed back to Locksford but in the wastelands, he noticed a strange shadow. The shadow spoke to him and said.
"I will give you the money for your church IF I may take the first soul who enters the church to hell"
The man quickly agreed because he didnt want to get back without the gold. And the build started. Soon the Church was finished and he had to tell the other citizens of Locksford about the deal. The Mayor had a good idea, he told one of the farmers to give him a cow and they pushed the cow into the Church. Of course the shadow (who was the devil) was really angry and took a large bag of stones and throwed it out of the air right onto Locksford. But the Brit (a ranger from phitia) saw the stones falling out of the air, took out his bow and shot a hole in the bag. So all stones feld out of it and fell near the town of Locksford and created the mountain. And that mountain still excists! All the clanmines are build in the mountain my friend.
History of YOUR clan
Do you want me to make a history about your clan? Just mail to ID 1027 and say what kind of history it has to be, like you've always been the good guys, bad guys, nights, robbers, demons and so on...